The Newcomer Employment Hub
As a pilot Hub partner agency and Advisory Council Member for the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce’s Newcomer Employment Hub, Success Skills Centre refers you to the Hub as part of your job search. The Hub aims to streamline connections between newcomer job seekers who are represented by newcomer service agencies with Winnipeg businesses who are eager to tap into a diverse talent pool.

Skills for Success Project Report: Internationally Educated Women’s Digital and Work-Related Training at Success Skills Centre 2022-2024

Success Skills Centre is specialized in helping internationally educated professionals in their certification process and assisting them to find related jobs while working on their certification. Please check with your Success Skills Centre counsellor for more assistance.

Reflecting on the Ties and Losses from our Homeland – The Cultural Café

The Winnipeg Connector Partnership had its soft launch on November 22, 2017, in conjunction with Success Skills Centre’s Employer Appreciation event held at the Polo Park Canad Inn, where 67 Winnipeg employers were honoured. The plan for Success Skills Centre to start a Connector Program goes back to 2014 through the Halifax Partnership. Monika G. Feist, SSC CEO and Robyn Webb, Executive Director of the National Connector Program were in communication for several years before signing an agreement in 2016; however, funding for the program was a challenge. Actual implementation of the program occurred at the end of 2017. Presently, the program receives no funding, but it is a commitment of SSC as the lead agency to fill a gap that is sorely needed by immigrants to make networking and mentoring connections in Winnipeg.